Dans le cadre de l'exposition "The Potemkin Village", le photographe Gregor Sailer et Pascal Beausse, responsable des collections photographiques du Centre national des arts plastiques, critique d’art et curateur, s'engageront dans une conversation autour des thèmes soulevés par le travail de l'artiste.
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Gregor Sailer has a predilection for architecture and landscapes, preferably in forbidden zones, like his series Closed Cities. The CPG first worked with Sailer in the summer of 2018 on the occasion of the showing of The Potemkin Village at the Rencontres d’Arles festival, to which The New York Times,Libérationand Haaretz each devoted a full page. This exhibition of abandoned cities around the world subsequently travelled to the CPG in Febr [...]
Gregor Sailer has a predilection for architecture and landscapes, preferably in forbidden zones, like his series Closed Cities. The CPG first worked with Sailer in the summer of 2018 on the occasion of the showing of The Potemkin Village at the Rencontres d’Arles festival, to which The New York Times,Libérationand Haaretz each devoted a full page. This exhibition of abandoned cities around the world subsequently travelled to the CPG in February and March 2019. For OSMOSCOSMOS, Sailer presents images from The Mars Series made in theEuropean Space Agency’s Restricted Research Areas, where Martian landscapes were constructed for simulations in preparation forthe 2020 Mars Expedition.