
The Centre de la photographie Genève renews its mentoring programme for artists and photographers in 2024, aiming to support them in the development of a project. This format is based on a 1:1 mentorship where an artist supports another artist in the development and realisation of an ongoing project. The mentorship takes the form of four meetings, either in person or online, over a six-month period from July 2024 to December 2024.

The programme is open to any professional artist or photographer (including self-taught) who is not, during the period of the mentorship, enrolled in another mentorship programme or academic course (including art or photography school) and who speaks one of the following languages: French, English, Italian, Arabic, German, Farsi, Vietnamese. 

Each of the seven mentors will choose a project they wish to support from the pool of applications, based on the artist’s expectations and the support they feel they can provide to the artist. Those selected for mentoring will receive a sum of CHF 500 at the end of the programme to support the development of their project.

Conditions for participation

Applications are open from 14 June to 7 July 2024.

Application to the programme is free.

Applications can be made only through the online application form.

Artists and photographers of any age and nationality, based in any country, can participate provided they meet the following criteria:

  • Having a project in progress, i.e. already started but not yet completed.
  • Not being enrolled in another mentoring programme or academic course during the mentoring period (July 2024 to December 2024)
  • Speaking fluently at least one of the following languages: French, English, Italian, Arabic, German, Farsi, Vietnamese.
  • Committing to being available for four meetings, in person or online, during the mentoring period (no extension possible).
  • Filling in the application form clearly and in full, including sending the description of the current project, by 7 July 2024.
  • Agreeing to have their name and project information shared within the context of the programme.

The applicants selected by the mentors will be contacted in early July 2024. Applicants cannot give a preference for one particular mentor, and mentors agree not to select the project of a person with whom they already have a significant relation. Apart from this criterion, mentors do not have to justify their choice of project.

The project support amount (CHF 500) will be paid out at the end of the mentoring period (after the 4th meeting). There is no need to justify the use of this amount.

In case of problems, the team of the Centre de la photographie Genève can be contacted at any time by the mentors or mentees.