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Léa Farin * 1990 in Saint-Aubin-lès-Elbeufs, lives in Moux

At first Léa Farin’s work focused on questions having to do with her identity, before branching off into interrogating the notion of the author. She belongs to what the journalist Joel Stein of “Time” magazine called in 2013 the Me Me Me Generation. The term alludes to the Me Generation that Tom Wolfe applied to the Baby Boomer generation in the 1970s, in other words to the parents of those who today are 20 years old and who are born with a smartphone in their cradle. Off the beaten t [...]

At first Léa Farin’s work focused on questions having to do with her identity, before branching off into interrogating the notion of the author. She belongs to what the journalist Joel Stein of “Time” magazine called in 2013 the Me Me Me Generation. The term alludes to the Me Generation that Tom Wolfe applied to the Baby Boomer generation in the 1970s, in other words to the parents of those who today are 20 years old and who are born with a smartphone in their cradle. Off the beaten track of narcissistic personality disorder—as sociologists say, speaking of her generation—the artist has sought for three years to erase all images on the internet that refer to her.

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