With success and reputation established in the field of commercial photography, Cyril Kobler closed his Geneva studio 20 years ago and began commissioning work for himself. He became known for his series on cities, imaginary or recomposed. For more than a decade he has generously made it possible for colleagues to show their work at the Espace Cyril Kobler, one of the two Geneva galleries dedicated exclusively to photography. The image on display at OSMOSCOSMOS comes from a new series of nud [...]
With success and reputation established in the field of commercial photography, Cyril Kobler closed his Geneva studio 20 years ago and began commissioning work for himself. He became known for his series on cities, imaginary or recomposed. For more than a decade he has generously made it possible for colleagues to show their work at the Espace Cyril Kobler, one of the two Geneva galleries dedicated exclusively to photography. The image on display at OSMOSCOSMOS comes from a new series of nudes featuring round body shapes that defy the standards imposed by our consumer society and its advertising and fashion models.