The artist made a name for herself with the series Empire of Dust. Hunting around for incomplete construction projects in the wake of the 2008 recession, Labourdette’s approach to the medium led her to Tunisia where she shot Traces d’une occupation humaine. This work was a kind of archaeological investigation on sulphate mining in parts of the country, giving rise to a publication by Éditions CPG while also highlighting the location of the first Arab Spring uprising. O [...]
The artist made a name for herself with the series Empire of Dust. Hunting around for incomplete construction projects in the wake of the 2008 recession, Labourdette’s approach to the medium led her to Tunisia where she shot Traces d’une occupation humaine. This work was a kind of archaeological investigation on sulphate mining in parts of the country, giving rise to a publication by Éditions CPG while also highlighting the location of the first Arab Spring uprising. OSMOSCOSMOS presents for the first time KÓSMOS, an attempt to examine the relationship between humans and the cosmos in the American desert through a perspectivist reading of the land, joining anthropological analysis with a subjective poetics of the image. KÓSMOSlooks to serve as a mirror of ancestral beliefs and knowledge as well as of contemporary scientific research.