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Leigh Ledare * 1976 in Seattle, lives in New York and Los Angeles

The complexity of Leigh Ledare’s work lies in its simultaneously touching and provocative effect. His extremely intimate and (auto)biographical images regularly feature his mother, ex-dancer and model Tina Peterson, as their main subject. Ledare, formerly an assistant to Larry Clark, took pictures of her over an eight-year period. The photos exhibit her erotic demonstrations along with her psychological fragility and failing health. Few artists have so directly brought to light the incestu [...]

The complexity of Leigh Ledare’s work lies in its simultaneously touching and provocative effect. His extremely intimate and (auto)biographical images regularly feature his mother, ex-dancer and model Tina Peterson, as their main subject. Ledare, formerly an assistant to Larry Clark, took pictures of her over an eight-year period. The photos exhibit her erotic demonstrations along with her psychological fragility and failing health. Few artists have so directly brought to light the incestuous desires lying hidden in all relationships between children and their parents.

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