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Charles Weber * 1947 in Genève, lives in Ridge Island

Two years after obtaining his high school diploma, Charles Weber was working as a press photographer. He then embarked on a series of trips, travelling through Turkey and Iran, and later Moldavia and Romania, and started working for Gamma, the French photo agency. He next devoted himself to long-term photo series like Les Jardins suisses, whose publication in 1991 was awarded the prize for the best Swiss book of the year, and 100 Portraits d’apprentisin 1996. For over 20 [...]

Two years after obtaining his high school diploma, Charles Weber was working as a press photographer. He then embarked on a series of trips, travelling through Turkey and Iran, and later Moldavia and Romania, and started working for Gamma, the French photo agency. He next devoted himself to long-term photo series like Les Jardins suisses, whose publication in 1991 was awarded the prize for the best Swiss book of the year, and 100 Portraits d’apprentisin 1996. For over 20 years now he has lived mainly on the island of Crete, which has become along with Greece his primary subject, with for example a series devoted to boat wrecks abandoned on the island’s shores, or his Mont Strubula en 36 vueswhich boasts a number of surprising and unexpected images. Erotic III(Athens, 2017) from the series Est-ce ainsi que les hommes vivent ?, shown at OSMOSCOSMOS, was shot during an erotic fair in Athens in 2017.

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