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Anne König * 1971 in Leipzig, lives in Leipzig

Anne König lives as a publisher and author in Leipzig. Together with Markus Dreßen and Jan Wenzel she founded Spector Books in 2001. She has provided editorial guidance for many photobooks, including “Manitoba” by Tobias Zielony, “Irreguläre Tage” by Michael Schade and the diaries of Jonas Mekas. In 2016 she co-curated an exhibition on the architecture of preschools at the Kunsthaus Dresden and the 7th f/stop Festival for Photography Leipzig together with Jan Wenzel. Together with [...]

Anne König lives as a publisher and author in Leipzig. Together with Markus Dreßen and Jan Wenzel she founded Spector Books in 2001. She has provided editorial guidance for many photobooks, including “Manitoba” by Tobias Zielony, “Irreguläre Tage” by Michael Schade and the diaries of Jonas Mekas. In 2016 she co-curated an exhibition on the architecture of preschools at the Kunsthaus Dresden and the 7th f/stop Festival for Photography Leipzig together with Jan Wenzel. Together with Armin Linke she was the artistic director of the Migrant Image Research Group. For the publication “Lampedusa – Bildgeschichten am Rande Europas (Lampedusa – Image Stories from the Edge of Europe)” she created together with Paula Bulling “Wege einer Ware (A Commodity on the Move)”, which was presented at the Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie 2017 in Mannheim. Together with Jan Wenzel she is curating the 8th f/stop Festival for Photography Leipzig 2018.

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