Zine workshop

16.09 — 17.09.2023

16 and 17 September from 13.30 to 17.30

Workshop in English

Price: 80 CHF / 70 CHF members of CPG or near / 50 CHF students

Limited spots, registration mandatory on the website of Photobooks Switzerland

Zoopark Collective is proposing a workshop in Geneva on the design and production of zines, as part of Photobooks Switzerland!

This is a practical workshop as the result of which the participants will have a ready printed zine based on their photos or images. They will follow through all the steps and learn the basic techniques of digitally composing and physically producing zines.

The zines made during the workshop will be presented during the Photobooks Switzerland finissage on Sunday 17 September at 18.00.

The workshop will take place over two half-days, on the afternoons of 16 and 17 September, from 13.30 to 17.30.

More information and registration on the website of Photobooks Switzerland.

Image © Zoopark Publishing