Vincen Beeckman


Discussion between Vincen Beeckman and Danaé Panchaud


Schedule :

Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at 6 p.m.


Place :

Centre de la photographie Genève
Conference room
Rue des Bains, 28
1205 Geneva



Vincen Beeckman
Artist and photographer

Danae Panchaud
Director of the Centre de la photographie Genève

The Centre de la Photographie Genève is pleased to welcome the Belgian artist Vincen Beeckman, for an interview with Danaé Panchaud, director of the CPG. In the Teen Spirit series, recently shown at BPS22 in Charleroi and soon to be exhibited at Espace Jörg Brockmann in Carouge with the help of students from the artistic sector of the Geneva Professional Training Center, Beeckman works with teenagers, whose daily life he tries to understand and whose universe he tries to transcribe. It is less a documentary project, strictly speaking, than a collaborative work, which integrates young people into the creative process and gives them a voice of their own.

Collaboration with often inaudible and invisible populations is a central component of the artist's work. Exchanges with young people in difficulty, with the homeless or with people suffering from addictions, lead to a close relationship that is often built through training or care institutions, Beeckman alternately embodying the role of photographer, mediator , educator or curator. Emancipatory, inclusive and carrying multiple voices, Beeckman's work avoids common clichés associated with certain categories of the population, embodying the emancipatory potential of photography.