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Nobuyoshi Araki * 1940 in Tokyo, lives in Tokyo

Araki Nobuyoshi needs no introduction. Sentimental Journey, his first book, a kind of docu-fiction, recounts his marriageceremony and wedding night. After that he published (as compulsively as he photographs) an immense quantity of titles, including several fanzines. He was a founder of the Workshop photography school in 1974, along with Fukase Masahisa, Tōmatsu Shōmei, Hosoe Eikōand Moriyama Daidō, the finest Japanese photographers of his generation. His photos of women, with t [...]

Araki Nobuyoshi needs no introduction. Sentimental Journey, his first book, a kind of docu-fiction, recounts his marriageceremony and wedding night. After that he published (as compulsively as he photographs) an immense quantity of titles, including several fanzines. He was a founder of the Workshop photography school in 1974, along with Fukase Masahisa, Tōmatsu Shōmei, Hosoe Eikōand Moriyama Daidō, the finest Japanese photographers of his generation. His photos of women, with their voyeuristic, bondage atmosphere, constantly alternate between allusions to life and death, an approach he calls “Erotos” that could be considered an act of rebellion against Japanese society and its oppressive sexual morality. Another corpus of his work is dedicated to flowers. Many of his photos are Polaroids.

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