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Gérard Berréby * 1950 in Thala (Tunisie), lives in Paris

After leaving school in 1968 before completing his final year, Gérard Berréby spent the 1970s drifting, going from one casual job to another and nurturing a fervour for boxing and rock and roll, while at the same time developing a Situationist outlook on life. In 1982 he founded his own publishing house, Allia, which would embark on a major editorial initiative centred on Situationism. After himself turning to writing, he was revealed in 2015 as an artist in the Dada-Surrealist tradition. [...]

After leaving school in 1968 before completing his final year, Gérard Berréby spent the 1970s drifting, going from one casual job to another and nurturing a fervour for boxing and rock and roll, while at the same time developing a Situationist outlook on life. In 1982 he founded his own publishing house, Allia, which would embark on a major editorial initiative centred on Situationism. After himself turning to writing, he was revealed in 2015 as an artist in the Dada-Surrealist tradition. OSMOSCOSMOS shows two of his series of photographs. The first comprises some black and white prints of a young woman taking an outdoor shower that were subsequently used as covers for the erotic writings of Pierre Louÿs and published by Allia, including the provocative Manuel de Civilité pour les Petites Filles. The other, projected series consists of colour photographs taken on public transport, showing the exposed feet and legs of travellers facing the artist.

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