“Guillaume Désanges is curator and art critic, founder of Work Method, a Paris based agency for curatorial projects. He coordinated the artistic projects of Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers between 2001 and 2007. He organized the exhibitions “Pick-Up” at Public>, Paris 2004 and STUK, Leuven (Belgium), 2008, “Untouchable, The transparency Ideal” at Villa Arson, Nice and Museo Patio Herreriano, Valladolid, in 2006-2007, “Jiri Kovanda Vs rest of the World [...]
“Guillaume Désanges is curator and art critic, founder of Work Method, a Paris based agency for curatorial projects. He coordinated the artistic projects of Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers between 2001 and 2007. He organized the exhibitions “Pick-Up” at Public>, Paris 2004 and STUK, Leuven (Belgium), 2008, “Untouchable, The transparency Ideal” at Villa Arson, Nice and Museo Patio Herreriano, Valladolid, in 2006-2007, “Jiri Kovanda Vs rest of the World” at gallery gb agency, Paris, De Appel (Amsterdam), Centre d’Art Santa Monica (Barcelone), Prague City Gallery – House of Photography (2014)”Child’s Play”, Biennale Periferic, (Iasi, Rumania), [and many more]. In 2007-2008, he is invited curator at Centre d’Art Contemporain La Tôlerie and in 2009-2011 at the art centre le Plateau-Frac Ile de France, Paris, for a series of shows called “Concrete Erudition”. He developed several performed conference projects shown internationally like “A History of Performance in 20 Minutes” “Vox Artisti, his Masters’ Voice”, “Signs and Wonders”. In 2013 he is co-curator with the artist Michel François for the exhibition “Une exposition Universelle” for the Biennal of Louvain La Neuve. Since 2013, he is the curator of La Verrière (Hermès Foundation, Brussels) with a cycle of exhbitions untitled “Gesture of Mind”, with the exhibition of Marcel, Francisco Trop, Irene Kopelman, Hubert Duprat. He teaches at Paris Sorbonne University.”